Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Interesting Read

"Hey Mommy, I want to read this book." the Boy Wonder says as he crawls up into our bed after his afternoon nap.

"Of course!" I say, not looking at the book because we are PRO reading in this house.

"I like it because it has a bird on it." He states.

I put the laptop down to snuggle up and read him...
Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger.

Um..Oops. I giggle.  He grabbed the paper back off Hubs nightstand.  When I chuckle, BW says "Mom, I don't think this is an ABC Book (his word for children's book). I think this is for "Dults."

I chuckle again. When I relay this to my wise friend, she simply states that she doesn't think that is the right book for him to be reading.
She suggests he start with The Shining.

Image Courtesy of Google Images

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